Fixed float
Fixed Precision; Fixed point (computing); Fixed point arithmetic; Fixed point numbers; Fixed point number; Fixed-point math; Binary scaling; Fixed precision; Fixed-point number; Fixed float; User:Rahul.deshmukhpatil/Fixed float; Fixed-precision arithmetic; Hardware support for fixed-point arithmetic; Power-of-two scaling; Power-of-2 scaling; Binary-point scaling; Binary-point-only scaling; B notation (fixed point format); B notation (binary scaling); B-notation (fixed point format); B-notation (binary scaling)
In computing, fixed float describes a method of representing real numbers in a way that number and decimal point value is stored at different location or bytes in a memory allocated to variable unlike floating point. In a typical 4 byte (on little endian platform) fixed float number lower(lsb) 2 bytes are used to store the decimal part of the number just like integer value.